2017 - ABK ID

Lilly was designed for the installation „REGATTA“, within the exhibition series „Design Now!“, for water basins in the EnBW City foyer in Stuttgart, Germany.
The main idea of Lilly is to support the contemporary trend of homely designed offices, where plants certainly play a role and foyers should appeal very welcoming.
Baby Plants in Bathing Ring
Lilly is basically consisting of a styropor ring, derived from the archetype of a bathing ring, with baby plants in its centre.
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Spider Plant Sprigs
As plant sprigs of Corophytum comosum, commonly known as spider plant, were chosen. It is the stereotype of office plants, which arises out of their ease of care and robustness. The sort is nearly indestructible and their sprigs can survive for a very long time in water.

Fishernet Mesh
Drawing an analogy to a fisher net, the sprigs are embedded in a textile mesh, which holds them in position in their „boat“.