2nd Semester MA Interior Architecture

In the summer semester 2022, the focus is on sustainability and digital manufacturing.
The task of our exchange students from Istanbul Technical University was to design a freestanding paravent (screen), which offers privacy as a space building element, as well as storage space or shelves. The dimensions were predefined with 2m height and 4m length.
The following materials, as well as their properties and advantages, were supposed to be used, while avoiding the use of third materials and binding agents:
material 01: Constructive elements should be designed with additive manufacturing (3d printing), with a focus on Selective Cement Activation (SCA) technology, which we have seen during our excursion to FIT AG / additive tectonics.
material 02: The horizontal (storage) elements are supposed to be out of BE.YOND particle board, a sheet material of Swiss Krono, the company of our second excursion.
This project was supervised by Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Diane Ziegler and academic associate Dipl.-Des. Melissa Acker.

material experiments:
BE.YOND particle board
The students were asked to look at BE.YOND particleboard and consider its potential:
How can it be processed, how can it be joined, and how can the surface be optimized?

The student Burcu Göcen designed a filigree room divider that demonstrates a special potential of additive manufacturing:
With minimal use of materials, the room divider „Synapsis“ consists of two 3d-printed components that are irreversibly intertwined, but do not touch each other.
She drew her inspiration from genetics: the „crossing-over“ of corresponding sections of two homologous chromosomes results in the recombination of genetic information.

Further projects by:
Amara Köprülü, Aslıhan Musaoglu, Begüm Erkisa, İpek Karasu, Yagmur Aydemir, Merve Ucan.

All works are displayed with the consent of the students.